The grand finale of the show organised by Sanjeev Kumar and Yusuf Shakir in September, Sanna Suri’s...
Kabbir the acclaimed actor known for his versatile roles and charismatic performances, has not only captivated audiences...
Bhiwani, which was once called the sports city, has now started playing an important role in the...
Monisha Isaac, who belongs from Dharmanagari Prayagraj and works as an actor in Mayanagari Mumbai, is proficient...
Today there is a great concern among the youth about unemployment and the situation forced them to...
Note: As per the latest survey, the Marathi film industry is experiencing a significant boost in business...
The Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council of India (GJEPC), apex trade body promoting Indian gems &...
कौमार्य परिक्षेवर आधारित निर्माता नरेंद्र जिचकार आणि चारुदत्त जिचकार यांच्या मराठी चित्रपट “कौमार्य”चे ट्रेलर लॉन्च, २८ जुलैपासून...
Neha Bansal’s Film FART FATA FAT – Evolution Of Think Got Thumbs Up From Censor Board And...
विधि कासलीवाल निर्मित, लॅन्डमार्क फिल्म्स प्रस्तुत मीडियम स्पाइसी आता बघा ॲमेझॉन प्राइमवर! मागील वर्षी प्रदर्शित झालेला ‘मीडियम...