The premiere of Vipin Kaushik’s Love In Ukraine was held in Gurugram, attended by several prominent industry...
On behalf of Dadasaheb Phalke Film Foundation, new singers of the country and abroad are being given...
Swati Sharma who is very well known for her stunning voice in “Banno” (Tanu weds Manu returns)...
The first Panchmugha Brahma temple established on earth after thousands of years. Brahma KK Sarchandra Bose, the...
Movie Review : 3 Shyaane Director: Anees Barudwale Producer: Sanjay Y. Suntakar Cast: Dev Sharma, Anupriya Laxmi...
The upcoming movie ‘Anya’, made in Hindi as well as Marathi, has been increasing the curiosity of...
The Song recording of emotional & heart breaking hindi video album Ek Ladki Staring Aman Verma, Gorgeous...
The FIRST EVER, ground-breaking all-girl Hindustani-Carnatic instrumental ensemble called Anuradha Pal’s Stree Shakti, dazzled Mumbai audiences recently,...
The Song recording of emotional & heart breaking hindi video album Ek Ladki Staring Aman Verma, Gorgeous...
मुम्बई। पिछले दिनों मुम्बई और अहमदाबाद में 75वीं आज़ादी का अमृत महोत्सव के उपलक्ष्य में जीनियस इंडियन...