The month of August Mumbai City, known to be the financial capital of India witnessed an epitome...
Actor Rajkumar Khurana has been wedded to Bollywood spanning 25 years having played many challenging characters in...
The Chief Guest of Honors were Prominent Labour Leader Shri ABHIJEET RANE, (FOUNDER AND GENERAL SECRETARY-DHADAK KAMGAR...
Indian Film Makers Association which intends to boost up the sector of Filmmaking all over the country,...
Banaras is an upcoming Indian Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam – The Mysterious love Story film written...
Raipur : AAFT University, a premier media and arts university in India, proudly hosted its Orientation Program...
The dynamic hotelier, club owner and construction magnate Satish Sanpal was accorded a special honor under the...
भारत में थाईलैंड के रत्नाभूषणों की बढ़ती मांग के मद्देनजर डीआईटीपी ने बैंकॉक में 7 -11 सितंबर...
On the Birthday Event of Shoaib Hassan ( Secretary Youth NCP Mumbai) at Country Club, Andheri West....
New Delhi: “Technical Education plays a vital role in human resource development of the country by creating...